British Executions

Philip Gibson

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: burglary

Date Of Execution: 4 Aug 1785

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Surrey

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Philip Gibson, aged 21, John Motton, aged 43, and Henry Wiggs, aged 25, found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Thomas Smith in the parish of Esher on 14th January 1785: stealing therefrom 50 pieces of silk ribbon measuring 100 yards (valued at £3), 5 pieces of printed cotton measuring 28 yards (valued at £7), 3 new tablecloths (valued at 30/-), 12 pairs of cotton stockings (valued at 24/-), 5 pairs of thread stockings (valued at 7/6), a piece of linen measuring 20 yards (valued at 50/-), 20 yards of balck silk lace (valued at 20/-), 3½ yards of printed cotton (valued at 9/-), 2½  yards off printed cotton (valued at 29/-). 4¾ yards of printed cotton (valued at 28/-) and 12 yards of printed linen (valued at 18/-).  They had been found guilty at the previous Lent Assizes but judgement was reserved.